Tony Fomison Prints

Tony Fomison Prints

There is one print available of a painting by NZ artist Tony Fomison. Anthony [Tony] Fomison (1939-1990) was born in Christchurch and studied at the Canterbury School of Arts from 1956-1960, studying life drawing and sculpture. Following a three-year visit to Europe, he returned to New Zealand to live and paint in Auckland until his death. Fomison’s painting “Each Must Decide” was selected by the Capper Press to be included in their second series of prints of contemporary NZ painting just before his death. We still have a very few of these prints left which have been stored in pristine condition in our warehouse since publication. It’s a good quallty print and is the only print of a Fomison painting available to purchase.
Each Must Decide by Tony Fomison

Each Must Decide by Tony Fomison

NZ$59.95 NZ$39.95 Sale