Graham Young

Graham Young

Graham Young creates paintings that aim to capture what he describes as "the vibrancy of contemporary New Zealand life through sparkling light and bold colour". While the NZ landscape is a common background to his artworks Young parts company from many other contemporary NZ landscape painters in focussing on how people live in this country - the human touch on the landscape is not hidden in Young's paintings. The inspiration behind Graham Young's series of art prints are the relaxed kiwi attitude to life - which Young believes has an appeal that transcends national boundaries. Young's new book is also out now, it involves - he says - "a few of the journeys I have made around NZ including trips to the South Island as well as the North Island. These journeys are be viewed through my paintings and thoughts as I try to capture the individual character of the various regions."
Print of "Moana" by Graham Young

Print of "Moana" by Graham Young


A Summer’s Stay by Graham Young

A Summer’s Stay by Graham Young


Caravan Bliss by Graham Young

Caravan Bliss by Graham Young


Print of Opahi Bay by Graham Young

Print of Opahi Bay by Graham Young


Vee Dub Print by Graham Young

Vee Dub Print by Graham Young


Bach by the Beach Print by Graham Young

Bach by the Beach Print by Graham Young


Print of "Garnet Dairy" by Graham Young

Print of "Garnet Dairy" by Graham Young
