Old Map of the Pacific

Old Map of the Pacific

Print Code: 10649
NZ$69.95 NZ$30.00 2nd

Reproduction Antique Map

Print size in millimetres: 500 x 480

Print of a highly decorative Italian map of the Pacific. Showing some of NZ's coastline as charted by Abel Tasman.  Published back in 1971 by Avon Fine Prints on really nice paper, with good colour etc as never displayed.  In fact we are not too sure where this map has been for the last 50 years, looks like it has dropped over the back of one of our shelves - the paper is wavy like it has landed on one edge and then slightly bunched up over time.  Couple of minor dents to the edge.  Basically an old timey looking map/chart that might not be in perfect condition but would be perfect for the bach by the beach, or for a gift for someone who appreciates the nautical life.  A one off, pic is from our catalogue to show you what it looks like, is not a photograph of the actual map.