Harmonic Chart by Michael Smither

Harmonic Chart by Michael Smither

Print Code: 10663

  • Product Details


Approx image size in millimetres: 530 x 900 (excluding the wide unprinted border, it's a big print!)
Edition of 70, signed and numbered prints

Many years in the making, based on the the harmonic (musical) scale depicted visually.  Extraordinarily hard to move from the artistic conceptualisation of this idea through to executing this interplay between sound and colour in real life. Compositionally challenging and technically difficult to physically print (a lot of colours and layers to get exactly right).  Brilliantly this large artwork is both abstract and harmoniously composed, it is a tour de force of printmaking that we'd compare to the work of global superstars Bridget Riley and Victor Vasarely at the height of their careers. A privilege to own on these prints so significant to a career long pre-occupation of the artist with the interplay between sound, colour and music.  

In Michael's own words "I have related the 12 colours of the visible spectrum to the 12 notes in a musical octave. And further, the octave and the colour spectrum both manifest as a doubling of frequency from one end to the other. The harmonics and their placement generate a visual dance which the eye enjoys, and which can be played as colour sequences of musical notes."

Notes and colours are related as below:

A    =   red

Bb  =   red orange

B    =    orange

C    =    orange yellow

C#  =    bright yellow

D    =    yellow green

Eb  =    green

E     =    blue green

F      =    blue

F#   =    blue violet

 G    =     violet

G#   =    violet red