Yawning by Hamish Allan

Yawning by Hamish Allan

Print Code: 8808

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Fine Art Print

Image size in millimetres: 500 x 500

Yawning is (of course) a play on words with this print depicting a warm - perhaps sleep inducing - New Zealand sunny summer's day floating past the holiday caravan's awning. This print is by Canterbury landscape painter Hamish Allan. It is printed onto fine art paper.

Canvas and Framing Options for "Yawning" by Hamish Allan

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  • Framed
    Call 0800 800 278 to order this Hamish Allan print framed in an elegant contemporary boxframe. Ready to hang on the wall out of the box. Here is a picture of how your print will be framed. We deliver framed prints throughout New Zealand for just $20 per order

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