
"Tuatara" 1935 Pictorials by Leonard Mitchell
Print Code: 9158
- Product Details
Historical NZ Stamp Print
Image size in millimetres: 360 x 400 printed with a wide borderWith 1500 entries for the design competition submitted it is remarkable that of the 14 final designs for the 1935 NZ pictorials four were the work of one man, the graphic artist best known today for his famous NZ travel and publicity posters, LC Mitchell. His attractive design for the 8d stamp featuring NZ's largest lizard, the Tuatara, embellished with detail from a tauihu (carving from the prow of a waka), becomes a highly decorative black and white historical New Zealand print when enlarged to wall art size.
Like to buy more prints like this work by early NZ designer Leonard Mitchell? You will find more prints like the 8d Tuatara from the 1935 NZ Pictorials in these collections at New Zealand's specialist art print store:
Leonard Mitchell Collection
Vintage Posters
Animal Art