
Jean Batten Portrait by Rosie Louise and Terry Moyle
Print Code: 9281
- Product Details
Art Print
Print size in millimetres: 320 x 450Portrait of famous NZ aviator, Jean Batten. Batten successfully flew from England to Australia and back in May 1934, was the first woman to pilot herself across the South Atlantic and made the first ever direct flight between England and New Zealand. Digital printmakers Rosie Louise and Terry Moyle have created a series of carefully researched vintage style prints of NZ scenes with historically accurate detail. This print shows Jean Batten with her Castrol sponsored plane in the background and her famous feline mascot “Buddy”.
Like this print? You will find more prints like this portrait of Jean Battent in these galleries at New Zealand's specialist print & art poster store:
Contour Creative Studio Gallery
Vintage Posters