“Early Light” Extra Large Canvas Art Print

“Early Light” Extra Large Canvas Art Print

Print Code: 9931


Extra Large Canvas Art Print

Width 1200mm height 400mm

This extra large canvas art print is in stock ready to be delivered carefully rolled in a mailing tube or select stretched if you would like to buy “Early Light” ready to hang - ie stretched around a sturdy wooden frame. This print is of the Lindis Pass area in NZ’s South Island. It has the rich tawny hues of the hills in early morning, their tussock clad slopes bathed in the first golden light of the clear day to come.

More prints on canvas like Early Light by NZ painter Linelle Stacey are for sale in these collections at NZ’s largest online art shop:

Linelle Stacey
Large Prints
Contemporary NZ Landscapes
Canvas Prints
New Prints (NZ Artists)